The Courageous Heart
Yoga & Buddhism for Challenging Times
"The courageous heart is the one that is unafraid to open to the world, to care no matter what." – Jack Kornfield
No doubt, we are in the midst of times that demand our strength and resilience and our courageous hearts. And so, the collected, gathered and offered teachings here may be of use, helping us to ground, connect, accept and move with the trouble. The modules of this course, contain resources for resourcing, stories to take refuge in, and practices for wholeness and whole-heartedness.
This course focuses on Yogic and Buddhist teachings and practices that can provide insight and comfort in this time.
This is a self-paced course with all content available now. Each module in this course contains:
Scholarships available if finances are an obstacle to your participation. Please email wildchildmoves[at]gmail[dot]com to request.
Connect with the Earth
Philosophy: Touching the Earth
Asana: Grounding and Reaching
Walking Meditation: Enjoying Each Step
The Awakened Heart
Philosophy: The Bodhisattva Path
Asana: Heart Leads
Bonus Meditation: Metta Bhavana
Rest and Recovery
Philosophy: Despair and Regeneration
Yin Yoga: Anti-Fragility
Meditation: Guided Relaxation
Resilience and Resourcing
Philosophy: The Strength of the Earth
Asana: Honouring Life
Moving Meditation: The Evolutionary Gifts of the Animals