Warrior to Sage
In this four-week Yoga workshop series we explore the archetypes of the Warrior, the Mystic and the Sage through asana practice, mythology and philosophy.
Class One: The Warrior
Class Two: The Mystic
Philosophy: The Bhagavad Gita
Class Three: The Sage
Class Four: The Integration
This is a four-week yoga workshops series exploring the archetypes of the Warrior, the Mystic and the Sage. Through Yoga mythology, asana, philosophy and exploration of the qualities of these archetypes we come to an understanding of the getting of wisdom.
Class One: The Warrior
Delve into teachings from the Devi Mahatmyam and the story of Virabhadra, integrated into a 90 minute yoga asana class. How can we find the courage of the Warrior, who stands up for what they believe in? But also how do we refine our actions as we embody the warrior so that they are truly for the benefit of others?
Class Two: The Mystic
Learn from Radha how to love the whole world. If the warrior is guided by belief, the Mystic is guided by the heart and reaching for Divine experience, a reaching for experience of that without form, a reaching for the ecstatic. The Mystic is in love with the Divine and the Divine is in love with the Mystic. Mysticism is world as lover, living as prayer, living from soul, ecstatic transcendent experience. Mystics open to numinous experience –– from the root word numen, a nod of approval from the Divine, a communication from the unseen. Mysticism is heart-felt experience of the Divine, as opposed to belief.
Philosophy: The Bhagavad Gita
At the midway point we delve deeper into the themes through the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and the four main paths of Yoga in this philosophy workshop.
Class Three: The Sage
Learn the story of Bharadvaja and the asana posture named for him. It took this sage a few lifetimes to learn that knowledge and wisdom is a living thing, best shared with others. And it is through life and living that the soul is perfected.
Class Four: The Integration
Learn the story of Prince Siddhartha's enlightenment and his relationship with his ascetic teacher Koundinya. Koundinya has two postures named for him. Many of the sage postures are challenging, perhaps as a metaphor for the getting of wisdom. The Buddha's life demonstrates the journey through the archetypes of Warrior, Mystic, Sage, and he certainly embodied the values of courage, love and wisdom.