Reconnect, Remember

Come back to yourself and the Earth with this 28-day reconnect challenge.

Each day participants are given a suggestion, a prompt, for a practice to cultivate a feeling of connection and wholeness. The challenge incorporates presence in nature, writing, movement practices and some more adventurous excursions. We will spend some time each day remembering we are nature.

Many of the practices here are about rekindling enchantment with nature –– rechilding to rewild. Letting our movements in the world be playful and curious. Cultivating joy and love for the world through this playful relationship.

Course curriculum

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    • Welcome!

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    28-Day Reconnect Challenge

    • Day 1: Acknowledgement of Country

    • Day 2: Exhale Gratitude

    • Day 3: Make an Earth Altar

    • Day 4: Ground

    • Day 5: Food and Interconnection

    • Day 6: Go for a Praise Walk

    • Day 7: Make Beauty in a Wounded Place

    • Day 8: Pay Attention to Details

    • Day 9: Sky Gaze

    • Day 10: Regulate Your Nervous System with Breath

    • Day 11: Write a Love Letter to the Earth

    • Day 12: Greet the Sun

    • Day 13: Earth Pranams & Sun Salutes

    • Day 14: Rest

    • Day 15: Touch & Smell

    • Day 16: Writing Prompt (Remembering)

    • Day 17: Shake It Out

    • Day 18: Listen

    • Day 19: Wander

    • Day 20: Go on an Adventure

    • Day 21: Make a Nest

    • Day 22: Write a Nature Poem

    • Day 23: Go Stargazing

    • Day 24: Writing Prompt (Connection)

    • Day 25: Breathing with Plants

    • Day 26: Eco-Milling Movement Practice

    • Day 27: Go Camping

    • Day 28: Design a Daily Practice


A gift

by Tori

"Anna was my yoga mentor for a good part of last year, and all I can say is that her capacity to teach and empower is incredible.

"Here she offers a 28-day course to help us reconnect during and after this unpredictable time. I know how passionate she is about the work she does. This is an opportunity to access her wealth of knowledge for a ridiculously generous price... nada. It's a gift from her to you – trust me, it's one you will be glad you accepted." – Tori